Coach boats
Local rules to which you have to comply.
The maximum speed on the Sneekermeer is 9 km/h, except a specific area to the North East (outside the race area) were you are allowed to go faster.
Boats that are able to go faster than 20 km/h are under special rules for fast boats.
Specific rules for fast boats are:
• The driver of the boat needs to have an international certificate for operators of pleasure crafts
• To have a registration license for the boat with the assigned registration signs sticked on the outside of the boat clearly visible on both sides
• To have a kill cord, which must be used when driving the boat
• To have a fire extinguisher on board
• To have a life jacket for all crew member on board
If you are standing in the boat and not sitting in the boat, you need to wear your life jacket.
We advise you to rent a boat in the Netherlands, so you don’t have problems with the registration license for the boat.
If the boat is smaller than 15 meter and is not able to go faster than 20 km/h, you do not need to have a license for operation of the boat and you do not need to register the boat.
To judge if a boat is able to go 20 km/h or faster there are no rules, in practice the police looks to the size of the boat and the type of engine used. A 3m RIB with a 4 horse power engine might be at risk, with a 2 horse power engine, we do not expect a problem.
Be sure that you comply with the Notice of Race (Especially rule 14) and will comply with the Sailing Instructions which will be published in due time.