Rabobank will pay your entry fee!

We are very pleased to announce that Rabobank Sneek-Zuidwest Friesland will be our main Sponsor, and they will help us to make a great event of the worlds. But they are not only our sponsor, but also one of the sponsors for the Sneekweek. (The sailing event the week after the Worlds.)

They came up with a great deal for all foreign Vaurien sailors. The first twenty entries for the Sneekweek will be completely free! Rabobank will pay your entry fee! Isn’t that a great deal?

The only condition will be that you will sail the whole week, but that isn’t a problem for such a nice event isn't it?

The campsite will be the same price as during the Worlds. The Roerkoning isn’t available during the Sneekweek.

The registration is open, see www.Sneekweek.nl
Subscribe at the website, and send an email to vaurienworlds2015@gmail.com
If you want to make use of the deal, both, registration at the website and an email with your registration to vaurienworlds2015@gmail.com, are needed'